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As an Industrial Engineer interested in connecting applied mathematics with high impact problems, my research centers on recognizing and applying the most appropriate method to address a problem, and developing new techniques to support my analyses.


I am interested in the application of operations research (OR) to address issues in social justice and healthcare and advancing OR theory to support these efforts. Insights gained through the application of these techniques provide support a decision-maker by providing descriptive and prescriptive analytics – information which leads to improved operational processes, organizational management and performance.


Over the past several years, I have focused my research in anti-human trafficking. Current projects include evaluating anti-human trafficking efforts such as evaluating service capacity for at-risk runaway and homeless youth, developing facility location models for survivor shelters, and evaluating trafficking awareness campaigns. Sample past project include computationally characterizing episodes of care from health insurance claim records and projects related to patient access to mental health, and primary care.


If you would like to learn more about my research I regularly update my CV, publications page and my recent accomplishments. You can also find me on Google Scholar, ResearchGate, and my ORCID is 0000-0002-6015-9203.

Last Updated October 2019

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